I’ve been tossing around ideas for a while now on how to improve my blog. I know, at the very least, that I need to blog more.
So I’ve been keeping a notebook of blog ideas and as of Monday (tomorrow) I am starting a new format.
The new format is:
Mediocre Mondays - You know how Mondays just kinda stink because the weekend is over and you’ve got 5 days of work ahead. No one wants to put effort in on a Monday. So for Monday’s blog post it will just be a photo. Easy, simple & takes the least amount of work.
Tips & Tricks Tuesdays - These posts will feature ideas, short-cuts and tutorials. This is the day to watch for if you’re curious how something is done.
What’s Up Wednesdays - Wednesday will be the day we review what is happening in my little room. You can see what projects are in the works and what is ahead for the week.
Time Traveling Thursdays - This will be a fun day, trust me. I’ve been crafty as far back as I remember. Thursday will be the day we look back at my previous craftiness (Barbie clothes, anyone?).
“Fan of” Fridays - This will be the day I shine a spotlight on other crafters/cool stuff/news/blogs/etc.
I won’t post five times a week, quite yet, but the goal is at least 2-3 times a week. For sure, you will see the first post tomorrow.
Thanks for reading so far... I hope the journey gets better from here.
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